Financial Do’s and Don’ts: Tips to Remember When Navigating Your California Divorce

Pleasanton CA divorce attorneyOne of the most challenging aspects of a divorce is the financial impact it has on your life. As you separate finances from your soon to be ex-spouse, you need to be prepared for the upcoming potential conflicts involving asset division, as well as ensure that you can cover your expenses once you’re on your own. We’ve compiled a set of critical tips to keep in mind as you move forward with the divorce process in California.

Closely Track Every Aspect of Your Expenses

First things first, you need to figure out what your post-divorce budget will look like. Take the time to sort out what you spend where, and be sure to include surprise expenses such as unexpected car maintenance. Having a clearly-defined budget can help ensure that the judge splits all assets fairly.

Keep Meticulous Records and Organize Important Documents

Although it might seem tedious, you need to ensure that you have a paper trail of everything. Give yourself time to gather all the documents you want to present in court, which can include bank statements, loan records, mortgage documents, and more. As always, more documents translate to a stronger case when it comes to these types of proceedings.

Be Prepared For Pushback

Finally, remember that your ex-spouse is likely preparing on his/her end, and is sure to be accompanied by legal counsel. Avoid trying to handle such complex affairs entirely by yourself, and recruit the assistance of a skilled divorce attorney. Even in the most civil of divorces, pushback can still rear its ugly head at the least expected of times.

Reach out to a Qualified California Divorce Attorney

We hope this post helped provide you with some helpful tips, as well as valuable peace of mind! For more involved assistance, do not hesitate to contact us at the White Oak Law. We offer initial consultations.