How Family Law Court Closures are Impacting Pending Cases

Pleasanton CA famiy lawAs the COVID-19 crisis continues to expand across all states, many state and federal courts remain closed to the public. This means that the majority of hearings and other proceedings have been postponed. While the move makes sense on a public health basis, this can be a troubling development for many who are currently dealing with a family law issue such as divorce or custody dispute.

For this post, we’re discussing the limitations that we’re seeing in family law courts across the state, as well as going over a few things that you might be able to do in the meantime to help push your case along. Remember, if you need legal advice, don’t hesitate to reach out to a qualified attorney, and this post should only be taken as general information. 

Courts Place Limitations on Hearings and Other Services

COVID-19 has spread rapidly and as of this writing, shows no signs of slowing down. This has caused the courts to adapt quickly, which has largely consisted of postponing different types of hearings and procedures until after things have calmed down. 

Many counties have not fully shut off the courts, and while sp[ecifics depend from county to county, are still moving forward with the following types of cases:

  • Termination of parental rights
  • Restraining orders involving domestic violence
  • Adoptions
  • Freedom from custody/control
  • Emergency child custody cases where a child might be harmed

Outside of these specific circumstances, most hearings involving divorce, child custody modification, and anything not listed have been postponed. 

What You Can Do in the Meantime

While you wait for the courts to reopen, there are steps you can act on now to help your case. For example, this gives you additional time to negotiate and find potential resolutions to avoid the upcoming litigation. Likewise, you can ensure you have all relevant documents and information ready in time for when your case resumes.

Speak with a Family Law Attorney in CA

The best way to leverage this is to seek the counsel of a qualified family law attorney. At the White Oak Law, we can help assess your situations and plot out potential strategies and approaches. Our family law attorneys are here to help preserve your rights and protect your loved ones. 

Learn more about what we do and schedule a initial consultation by calling us at 925-271-0999 today!