Tips for Keeping Child Custody Arrangements Civil

Pleasanton CA child custodyThe holidays are fast approaching, which for many divorced individuals means that they have to engage with their ex-spouses, even if for just a brief moment. While old emotions and feelings of resentment may be dredged up, we always recommend that you keep things civil when dealing with any child custody arrangement mattes. This is why we wrote up this brief guide offering a few quick tips.

Looking for more in-depth discussion? Remember, you can always reach out to us at the White Oak Law, P. C. to speak with a qualified family law attorney today.

Stick to the Established Routine

From what we have seen, friction is often caused by minor but inconvenient actions, such as a spouse routinely being late to pick up their child during the agreed-upon time or missing other related obligations. In these instances, being responsive to everyone’s needs and sticking to the established arrangements is the best way to foster goodwill.

Keep A Civil, Neutral Tone

It is imperative that you both work hard to keep emotions at bay, especially when the divorce is still fresh on everyone’s mind. Do not lash out or argue in front of your children, and keep discussions relevant to the needs of the child and the agreed-upon routine.

Avoid Sensitive Topics

As time goes on, you and your ex-spouse might find yourselves becoming increasingly comfortable with each other. This can lead to more relaxed interactions, but it could also open its own can of worms if the interactions get too personal or sensitive. Your best bet is to remain pleasant but light, and avoid bringing up topics that are too personal in nature.

In general, the more professional and civil you keep things with each other, the better off everyone will be, including your children. We hope that these tips prove to be helpful, especially during the upcoming holidays.

If you have any other additional questions or concerns about any matters relating to family law or divorce in California, know that you can count on us at the White Oak Law, P. C. Call us today to schedule a initial consultation.