The Divorce Process in California: Things To Keep in Mind Early On

Pleasanton CA divorce attorneyDivorce is a stressful affair, one which is usually only resolved after a lengthy legal process. While there is often no quick solution to divorce, being armed with the right knowledge can make a world of difference, especially early on during the proceedings. This is why we at the White Oak Law, P. C. decided it would be a good idea to go over some key tips when facing the divorce process in California.

This post is meant to offer quick but essential tips to keep in mind during the early stages of your divorce. It is by no means a comprehensive guide. For more tailored assistance, we invite to reach out to us at the White Oak Law at your earliest convenience.

Ensure that Divorce is the Only Option

Divorce is a difficult and expensive process, and many times a reconciliation is not entirely off the table. In cases where your spouse absolutely wants a divorce, there is little you can do as California only requires a divorce request from one spouse. However, we think it is always worth assessing your situation to fully determine whether divorce is the only option.

Remember to be Patient

In California, the earliest a divorce can take to be finalized is six months due to the mandatory “cooling period.” In practice, divorces usually take much longer. This is why we emphasize the importance of being patient. This is especially true when it comes to mediation and coming together to work with your ex-spouse. Collaborative divorces almost always lead to more favorable outcomes for both parties, and becoming impatient doesn’t do you any favors in the long run.

Consult with a Divorce Attorney as Soon as Possible

Finally, we cannot stress the importance of securing qualified legal counsel. Divorce is a complicated legal proceeding that carries long-term ramifications for you and your loved ones. This is why it is so important that you walk in prepared, and that you recruit the aid of a qualified expert who can help you navigate through these types of legal matters.

Want to learn more? If so, remember that we at the White Oak Law, P. C. are here to help. Call us today to schedule a initial consultation with one of our experienced family law attorneys.